viernes, 7 de noviembre de 2014

¡oferta kimonos¡ diferentes tallas y muñecas..Offer in kimonos ,for different sizes and dolls

15 euros
Last units special prices,including shipping unidades, precios especiales. 

  • kimono middie blythe  matrioskas

kimono middie blythe blue 

kimono blythe ,dal ,jerry berry17 euros

kimono 27 cm body...17 euros


kimono  isul, yosd boy...17 euros

tela japonesa

kimono tae yan..17 euros

kimono blythe doll,icy doll .jeccy five,pullip

kimono yosd girl

kimono Isul, yosd boy.17 euros

kimono   yosd -chica -girl 17 euros

pullip doll,blythe doll icy, jeccy five  17 euros

pullip doll.17 euros

middie blythe detalle kimono

kimono tae yan17 euros

rement...8 euros 
en todos los precios esta incluido el envio. all the price is included the ordinary ship,if you want another way please contact ,thanks those who know you know that our creations are unique and are made with much love by mommy's dolls

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